R. York Moore is an innovator, strategist, revivalist, and abolitionist. He is the President & CEO for the Coalition for Christian Outreach. He is the co-author with Dr. Gary Chapman of Seen.Known.Loved and the author of several other books including of Do Something Beautiful: The Story of Everything and a Guide to Your Place in It, Growing Your Faith by Giving it Away, and Making All Things New: God’s Dream for Global Justice. R. York Moore is a convener of leaders for evangelism and missions in America and the co-founder of the EVERY CAMPUS Coalition, a national multi-organizational coalition focused on planting gospel movements on every campus in America.
R. York Moore came to faith in Christ as an Atheist while studying philosophy at the University of Michigan. He has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Michigan and an MA in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary. He lives in Ann Arbor, MI area with his wife and 3 kids.
For more information about R. York Moore, follow him on social media channels @yorkmoore and on TikTok at @york.moore

R. York Moore’s best contribution is as a main-stage conference speaker. With a unique combination of humor, personal depth, and prophetic application, York has effectively engaged hundreds of thousands of people as a platform speaker. R. York Moore creatively engages audiences by expositing the Bible in transformative ways. York excels in helping people experience Jesus, engage in the Bible, and take action in their lives! York is most effective at inviting people to take the first step in following Jesus through creative faith invitations.

R. York Moore served for 27 years with InterVarsity USA as National Evangelist & Executive Director for Catalytic Partnerships before becoming the President/CEO for the Coalition for Christian Outreach. York has shared the gospel with college students all over the nation for decades. York has helped lead over 330,000 people to faith in Christ, and has trained nearly 500,000 Christians in evangelism. York is also the co-founder of the EveryCampus Coalition. If you’d like to support the ministry of R. York Moore, you can do so here.

Through magazine articles, blogs, books, seminars, and conferences, R. York Moore has helped lead the Church in N. America during these pivotal times of crisis and transition. From cultural analysis on generational change, organizational dynamics, missions and evangelism, and practical theology, York has contributed to several national conversations on life and faith. R. York Moore’s books have helped seminaries, Bible colleges, churches, and organizations increase capacity and effectiveness. With a degree in Philosophy from the University of Michigan and an MA in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary, R. York Moore has integrated faith and reason with an application to many of today’s pressing issues.